Angels' Share have their own Tartan

14 August, 2023

By Karen Somerville

There have been some very exciting happenings here at Angels' Share Glass.
We have been working alongside Prickly Thistle to develop our own tartan.

Prickly Thistle is a Scottish company that assist businesses and companies in creating their own unique tartans. 'We are passionate about story telling at Prickly Thistle, and to tell your best story we take time to discover it by working with you...' Described as the "Tartan Rebels of the Highlands", owner Clare and Karen have become friends through business connections and so the discussion of producing a tartan for Angels 'Share Glass was a story worth telling.

Our Tartan will be integral in our brand vision and will complement our Glassware our Scottishness and our Heritage

We decided that this was the next big step for us, being a proud Scottish business it was only fitting that one day we owned and produced our own tartan, but now we need your help to choose which one!

You can see the options below

1. Whisky & Wood

2. Whisky & Water

3. Whisky & Nature

We ran a vote on our 8th birthday and the WINNER was WHISKY & WATER now registered with the official tartan register in Scotland

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