Committed (Or I should be)

14 August, 2023

By Ann Johnson

Hello Everyone
I wanted to express how I was feeling as Co President of ASB whilst managing a businesses and family commitments. I'm the type of person who once I have said I will do something, I do it come hell or high water, the last year has been a struggle. We managed to put on the Conference and Awards in November which were only sensational thanks to Isabel and Kate Bell, we had amazing speakers and we left Edinburgh that day on a high. But your business and family are your absolute and I had great personal sadness throughout the year which stopped me committing enough time to really get my teeth into ASB's development.

But Isabel and I start 2023 on a different footing, clear goals, interesting third party conversations and we are building a sensational team around us to bring more opportunities for our members. Along with the levity which comes with my approach we will also talk about the darker topics, bullying in the workplace, death of an employee and anything else suggested by our members. We won't shy away from those topics not spoken about.

So be assured, 2023 is our year, we already have a strong brand, have had sensational past presidents and Isabel and I will stand on the shoulders of giants (am only 5ft 4", Isabel even shorter) so we need all the help we can get.

Make a New Years Resolution and right a blog, let us know your challenges on facebook, we are always here for you.


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