Remember networking events?! You meet new people, tell them all about your business; your passion and how you benefit your customers. It always seems pretty easy, after all who knows your business more than you?
That is exactly what your About Us page on your website does, so why do so many business owners forget how crucial it is?
Next to your Home page, your About Us page is the most important and most visited on your website. It is the chance for you to tell your story in your words; it lets people know why you started your business; your history and most importantly how you can help them.
So do you want to get your website visitors interested in what you do? Switch them on rather than off? Then read on for my top copywriting tips to make your About Us page more wow and less ow!
1. Write as if you are talking to just one person
When it comes to the words on your website this is so important. You need to write as if you are talking to please just one other person, telling them your story and how you got to where you are. It's a conversation.
By making your website visitor feel that you are talking only to them, they feel more invested in you and your business, and more importantly they feel that you are invested in them and that equates to sales.
A great copywriter can not only help you to do that but can also write in a way that injects your passion and personality into what you are trying to convey whilst keeping it simple and to the point.
2. What is your mission? - Why did you set up your business?
Did you see a gap in the market and think of a product or service that could really help people, were you looking for a solution to a problem and created it yourself? Tell people about it!
No-one else has your story to tell, it is unique. Customers want to buy from businesses that are relatable and human not just another faceless one, especially in an age when consumers do want to support local.
3. What do you do and what do you offer?
Now I am not sure about you but I have come away from many About Us pages unsure of what the business is actually selling and why I should buy from them.
How is what they are doing different? Why should I buy it and how is it going to make my life better? Your About Us page needs to answer these questions or it is not working for you.
There is a little lesson you learn early on in copywriting, talk about the benefits not the features! Yes you are selling what you believe to be a great product or service but tell me why I should believe in it and then you will convert me from a website visitor to a customer.
4. I'm talking about a whole lotta history!
This is especially good for small businesses as people do want to support those they feel an affiliation with. So tell them when you got started, how has the journey been, who helped you along the way, again this helps you form a connection with prospective customers and helps to build a relationship.
5. A picture tells a thousand words
People love to see pictures, it brings the story of your business to life and gives it a face. So whether it is a photo of staff, of you, or behind the scenes, your website visitor will start to feel that they know a little more about you and it will also help them to remember you.
So in a nutshell, when it comes to your About Us page remember it makes people care about you and your business, and this connection has a huge impact on turning website traffic into actual customers! Don't ignore it!
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