Planning for successful productions!

14 August, 2023

By Gemma Simpson

Planning for successful productions!

I never set out to become a circus performer, let alone a director, and the idea of pulling together our first full length theatre show three years ago was slightly daunting, but as an event manager and marketeer by day, the task was not quite as tricky as first thought. Here are my top tips for budding circus theatre makers

Choose an idea you love
You are going to have to bring this idea to life, so make sure that you are on board with it from the start and have a good few solid ideas about how this idea will work out on the stage.

Gather your team
It takes a fair number of people to bring a circus show to life: performers, instructors to help develop acts, riggers to keep you safe, set builders for your props, technicians to play your music and do your lighting and volunteers to welcome guests and provide first aid. Empower your tribe and they will be happy to help!

Rehearse rehearse rehearse
Work hard to polish acts, refine links and plan for as many run throughs as you can in full dress. Our shows have a sneaky habit of ripping costumes, and it is better to do this without an audience present!

Know your budget, and stick to it
Get quotes, plan for contingencies and track all expenditure. Get sponsors and fundraise. Most of the people in your team will be professionals, and will need paid.

Sell sell sell!
We tested the waters this year with three shows. That was 360 tickets to sell in advance of our opening night. Worst case scenario was to sell out 2 shows over 3 performances, but we sold 320. This was all down to good marketing materials and performers empowered to fill the seats with friends, family and colleagues.

Enjoy the process and have fun!
All performers respond well to positivity, strong leadership, and a clear understanding of rehearsal and performance goals. If you convey a sense of fun rather than anxiety and stress, your performers will pick up on that and bring that sense of fun to the stage, ensuring a hit production that your audience will enjoy watching.

Adventure Circus Presents:Lost! promotional video: filmed and edited by Robyn Spice Media

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