MBW Breakthrough to Excellence 2017

14 August, 2023

By Marie Smith

Moray Business Women's next event is our popular annual evening BREAKTHROUGH TO EXCELLENCE conference on the evening of Tues 6th June at Horizon Scotland, Forres, Moray.

We have a range of speakers and workshop topics to suit all professional women, whether employed or self employed. From successful business strategies by Mervyn Stanley of Cameron Carnegie to great digital content by Alison Read Digital Content. Or why not get a couple of new tools for your self development toolbox from our coaches Lisa Esslemont Inspiring Change and Chloe Greenwood Coaching.

The entire evening is set to get off to a great start with Emma J Bell, author, speaker, coach and facilitator. Emma has worked with hundreds of leaders and managers over the last 17 years to "˜shift inside' transforming work, life and relationships. She is also the author of The True You. Finally we are delighted to have Heather McDonald of Wooha Brewing Company and recent winner of an Investing Women AccelerateHER award to round off the evening.

At just £30 for members and £40 for non members (including supper) this is packed to the rafters with content. Remember all affiliate group members can attend MBW events at member rates.

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